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1.Xiao-Guang Wang, Wuyunna, Xiao-Tao Lü, Guo-Jiao Yang, C. E. O. Coombs, Xin Du, Yan-Tao Song, Feng-Jie Zhang, Guang-Wei Huo, and Xing-Guo Han. Soil C : N : P Stoichiometry as Related to Nitrogen Addition in a Meadow Steppe of Northern China. Eurasian soil science, 2021, 54: 1581-1587.

2.Xiao-Guang Wang, Xiao-Tao Lü, Hai-Yang Zhang, Feike A.Dijkstra, Yan-Gao Jiang, Xiao-Bo Wang, Jia-Yu Lu, Zheng-Wen Wang, and Xing-Guo Han. Changes in soil C:N:P stoichiometry along an aridity gradient in drylands of northern China. Geoderma, 2020, 361: 114087.

3.Xiao-Guang Wang, Xiao-Tao Lü, Feike A. Dijkstra, Hai-Yang Zhang, Xiao-Bo Wang, Wuyunna, Zheng-Wen Wang, Jiao Feng, and Xing-Guo Han. Changes of plant N:P stoichiometry across a 3000-km aridity transect in grasslands of northern China. Plant and Soil, 2019, 443(1-2): 107-119.

4.Xiao-GuangWang, Wuyunna, CA Busso, YT Song, FJ Zhang, GW Huo. Responses of C:N:P stoichiometry of plants from a Hulunbuir grassland to salt stress, drought and nitrogen addition. Phyton-international journal of experimental botany, 2018, 87: 123-132.

5.Xiao-GuangWang, Seeta A. Sistla, Xiao-BoWang, Xiao-Tao Lü, and Xing-Guo Han. Carbon and nitrogen contents in particle–size fractions of topsoil along a 3000km aridity gradient in grasslands of northern China. Biogeosciences, 2016,13:3635-3646

6.Xiao-GuangWang, Xiao-Tao Lü, Xing-Guo Han. Responses of nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry of senesced leaves in dominant plants to nitrogen addition and prescribed burning in a temperate steppe. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 70: 154-161

7.Wen-Tao Luo, Xiao-Guang Wang, Karl Auerswald, Zheng-Wen Wang, Michael I. Bird, Christopher J. Still, Xiao-Tao Lü and Xing-Guo Han. Effects of plant intraspecific variation on the prediction of C3/C4 vegetation ratio from carbon isotope composition of topsoil organic matter across grasslands. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2021, 14(4): 628-637.

8.Wen-Tao Luo, Xiao-Guang Wang, Sardans, J., Zheng-Wen Wang, Feike A. Dijkstra, Xiao-Tao Lü, Josep Pe?uelas, Xing-Guo Han. Higher capability of C3 than C4 plants to use nitrogen inferred from nitrogen stable isotopes along an aridity gradient. Plant and soil, 2018, 428(1-2): 93-103.

9.Hai-Wei Wei, Xiao-Guang Wang, Ying-Bin Li, Jun-Jie Yang, Jun-Feng Wang, Xiao-Tao Lü, Xing-Guo Han. Simulated nitrogen deposition decreases of soil microbial diversity in a semiarid grassland, with little mediation of this effect by mowing. Pedobiologia, 2020 (80): 150644

10.Cong Ding, Guo-Jiao Yang, Xiao-Guang Wang, Zi-Jia Zhang, Yan-Yu Hu, Zhi-Wei Zhang, Shuang-Li Hou, Xiao-Tao Lü. Mowing weakens the positive effects of nitrogen deposition on fundamental ecosystem service of grassland. Ecological Processes, 2021, 10(1): 1-11.

11.Xiao-Bo Wang, Jing Yao, Hai-Yang Zhang, Xiao-Guang Wang, Kai-Hui Li, Xiao-Tao Lü, Zheng-Wen Wang, Ji-Zhong Zhou, Xing-Guo Han. Environmental and spatial variables determine the taxonomic but not functional structure patterns of microbial communities in alpine grasslands. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 654: 960-968.

12.Hai-Yang Zhang, Xiao-Tao Lü, Alan K. Knapp, Henrik Hartmann, Edith Bai, Xiao-Bo Wang, Zheng-Wen Wang, Xiao-Guang Wang, Qiang Yu, Xing-Guo Han. Facilitation by leguminous shrubs increases along a precipitation gradient. Functional Ecology, 2017: 1-11.

13.Yan-Gao Jiang, Yu-Ting Cao, Jun-Hui Zhang, Zhuo Li, Guo-Qiang Shi, Shi-Jie Han, Cassius E O Coombs, Chuan Liu, Xiao-Guang Wang, Jun-Wei Wang, Lin Hao, Qi Xu, Hai-Sheng He. A 168-year temperature recording based on tree rings and latitude differences in temperature changes in northeast China. International journal of biometeorology, 2021: 1-12.

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